Welcome to the Church of the Holy Cross Woodingdean

Friendly and welcoming for all


Reverend Helen Rose, Vicar of the Holy Cross

Hello and welcome to the Holy Cross, Woodingdean, nestled in the beautiful South Downs National Park. We are Woodingdean's Church of England Parish Church. The church is open daily from 9am to 6pm for prayer and for you to use as a quiet space.

My name is Helen, I have been the vicar here since 2018. We are a friendly congregation with a big heart and we welcome everybody here.

We are passionate about being a community hub and our church is used by numerous groups and organisations. There are groups for everyone from the very young to the older. Please take a look in 'Our Community' and 'What's On' pages to discover more.

We are an inclusive church, our services are suitable for the whole family and every fourth Sunday we have a service particulary focused on children.

Come along and join us, we would love to meet you. 

Reverend Helen Rose

Upcoming Events

Evening Prayer
17 Feb 25
Morning Prayer
18 Feb 25
Healing Service with Eucharist
18 Feb 25
Evening Prayer
18 Feb 25
18 Feb 25

How to Get Involved

The Church operates on a non-profit basis and we are grateful of any kind donation that you would like to make. These can be made in cash or directly into the Church account.

The details are: Natwest, Account number: 21521913 Sort Code: 60-18-47, or follow this link a one-off  directpayment 

About Us

The current Church of the Holy Cross was built in 1968 to a design of architect J Wells-Thorpe.

It is a light, open-plan church that is connected by sliding partition doors to the Parish Room which is available for hire, There is a kitchen with full facilities and serving hatches open to the Parish Room

The church has disabled and wheelchair access throughout. There is an induction loop system for people that are hard of hearing.

Sunday morning worship is held at 10.30am. For full details of all our services see our Services page.

Morning and evening prayer is said daily at 9am and 5.30pm (except Monday morning). Holy Eucharist is also celebrated on Tuesdays at 9.30am in a healing service.

During special festivals and feast days i.e. Easter and Christmas, etc. other services are also provided - please visit our Services page for details

All our services and functions aim to provide a warm, friendly and welcoming atmosphere to everyone who joins us.

The open-plan style of the interior of our church enables the church and hall to be converted for use in a variety of very different ways; to accommodate small group meetings in the hall only or larger functions where the church and hall are combined together.

If you would like to know more about the Church please contact Rev Helen Rose or any of our friendly team

Church of the Holy Cross - Woodingdean
candles, church, lights-2628473.jpg